Season’s Greetings
1) ASD-CARC Publications: Your participation in our research has led to 5 publications in 2006, 8 publications in 2007, and 20 publications during 2008.
2) New Research Studies:
We would like to introduce some of our New Studies to you – and when you have a few moments, we hope you will take a look at them and help us answer some new questions.
Diagnostic History Study – Did you have difficulties obtaining a diagnosis for yourself or your child? Please share your experiences and help us improve this process.
Prenatal factors, Conception, and/or Reproductive technology – Help us understand the relationship between prenatal events and the risk for ASD.
Genetic Counseling Study – Were you referred for a Medical Genetics consultation? We would like to hear about your experience.
Modified Overt Aggression Study – Sometime aggressive behaviours are situational. Please help us to understand their origin.
Sensory Processing – How are sensory processing patterns different in individuals with ASD and, for those in paid employment, how does this affect you.
3) New! Summaries of some of our research findings! This new feature at our website is designed to let you know about our research findings – you are the families who make our research possible. Thank you.
4) Mobile Lab - Taking our Research to YOUR Community! ASD-CARC has a Mobile Lab furnished with research equipment to allow us to take our research to the families. We will be in
Again, we would like to Thank Everyone for participating in our Research. I promise to write an update on Jim and his progress during the Holidays – again there are such incredible changes in his communication and social interaction abilities. I will enjoy writing this year’s update tremendously!
Have a Safe and Peaceful
Jeanette J.A. Holden, PhD FCCMG, ASD-CARC/ASPIRE Program Director
Melissa Hudson, BSc, ASD-CARC/ASPIRE Research Assistant